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That’s us - a collective energy made into god striking earth with lightning - our collective openness to finally listening to the sins of our parents - the failed experiment - the lie told to us since birth - all life begging for breath - the breath not given to any if it’s being choked out in our most oppressed - the police and the white power klan are powerful but the ecosystem of the earth is more powerful than all of us - right and wrong aren’t up to us - but the wrong will self correct - defund the police and the government - defend our fellow people who are black and brown being murdered by those who think power is only theirs to have and to wield


pulling: Kate Atherton

Hon kong

I AM | A HEALER | A SEER  | SAFE | WATER — ADAPTABILITY | FLOW OF ENERGY | BALANCE. HEALING | POWERFUL. | Life is my focus. Love. I feel down when I envy others’ paths. I feel unloving when I envy others’ achievements. I don’t feel good enough — this is not something I was born with.  It doesn’t matter how visually “successful” you are if you don’t feel it on the inside. I know my purpose is deeper than entertainment. However, I have been brought up in a world where the product of your work is what gives validation to the process of your work. I don’t know how to separate myself from this. I am always considering my audience. My process is important and my entire existence is my process.  |  My love is sticky with fear. Can I separate my love from my fears? Can my love outshine my fears? | We can only heal ourselves. We can help guide others to healing, but it is always, ultimately, the self (the body) that heals itself. | Identify what needs healing. Follow the mind’s eye. | Life is learning to love outside yourself.  | Eye contact — two black holes engaging with each other. | The pain tells you where to look. | Vibrations tell you the path.  | Uncertainty. Fear. Fear of death. It’s sad, but we don’t know is if the “other side” is bliss for the deceased.  | We can dread sadness that is foreseen (everyone will move past this current derma/strata of existence). | Can we also, then, find joy or excitement in unforeseen moments of bliss? Of pleasure, or tranquility? | Choosing to fill myself with joy. It helps to remain present. | Grateful. Mindful. Moving the body.    |   “Take Joy”.  I HAVE CRIPPLING ANXIETY ABOUT LOSING MY FAMILY (PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY) I WILL LOVE FULLY. WHOLE HEARTEDLY I WILL BE PRESENT. I WILL BE GRATEFUL. I AM LEARNING TO LOVE FREELY — THE ANXIETY IS PULLING MY HEART AWAY FROM THE PRESENT. I CANNOT FIX UNFORESEEN TROUBLES WITH MY ANXIETY. I CANNOT EVER BE FULLY PREPARED FOR THE DEPRESSION OF LOSS — FOR NOW, THE PAINFUL THOUGHT OF LOSS IS CLOUDING THE JOY I COULD FEEL BY BEING PRESENT AND IN LOVE WITH ALL MY LOVED ONES. I AM LEARNING TO LIVE. AND THIS LIFE IS MINE. FOR ME. CLAIMING JOY. ABSORBING LOVE. I CAN ONLY BE WHAT I CAN BE. FOR MY ANCESTORS, I WILL BE JOYOUS. I WILL BE FREE. SACRIFICING ANXIETY AND SELF-LOATHING. I AM BEAUTY.             

  — Alexandra G. Carter is a human                 quarantined in N.C.

good mourning

(sound on)



A lament of the dead, a funeral rite....By definition for some reason those of hatred wanted the death to be us. It is not, it is the death of the old law. The swamp of injustice that has never been purified. A flood of freshwater overflow of colors versus the antiquated, inviting them to come and let us reason together and lay to rest what should have never been acceptable this is the dirge.




Dismantle the System


The concept of thinking with contempt and invalidation of any remnant of disenfranchised people of color are of no value to black lives mattering, at this point we are conjoined twins one of color and one who is not. The blatant ignoring of evidence to a long-standing condition of hatred can only be resolved by the institution who licenses the police departments. There are no municipalities that can operate as an agency unless they are insured, therefore why are police officer liability insurance claims still active? Law enforcement clearly have and are a liability and the insurance coverage should be revoked.


Every profession in the nation is licensed by an agency that insures the guidelines of that stated profession are adhered by testing and recertifications; if not adhered to the license is revoked. The Law Enforcement agency in this nation are the only entity who do not have to adhere to licensing beyond carrying a firearm.


Insurances can be purchased to cover cost of police misconduct and lawsuits rather than borrowing to pay settlements from taxpayers in their municipalities, but if we take a city such as Cleveland, Ohio which currently has 26 settlement cases dating back from Tamir Rice, November 2014. The City of Cleveland has a current payment plan to pay 13.2 million over 2years, excluding the 17.7 million from previous misconduct filings, (Eric, Heisig, 02/23/2017) but if the police were held accountable through certification and licensing the insurance companies would maintain a satisfactory rating for low misconduct claims and municipalities would have more revenue to improve the city considerably.


Is there a resolve to create solutions to the who, what, where, when and how? Of course there is and we cannot be discouraged considering we already know four out of the five.


  1. Who? The American white supremist racist Virginia slave code laws founded in 1660
  2. What? The enforcement of these outdated slave patrols of white men who took turns covering particular areas of counties

  3. Where? The United States law enforcement agencies across the United States of America.  

  4. When? After the civil war slave codes ended only to be replaced with added discriminatory laws call Black codes, supported by the thirteenth and fourteenth amendment those codes transformed to Jim Crow laws. 

  5. How do we proceed? 


The voices who want to enact change first have too petition their State representatives to secure State license revoking  procedures for Law Enforcement to be implemented by a non state independent agency.

The people have to demand a federal audit of every municipality that has been accused or law suit has been file for misconduct retroactive (25) twenty-five years. In addition a federal audit of municipalities Police Chiefs, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges and district attorneys who may still preside in a judicial role of authority which affect the scales of justice. This requested audit would be  retroactive from July 2, 1964 when Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill.  Upon that signature any man that treats a citizen of color in a behavior that violates this law is a criminal. 


Why is this suggestively necessary?


There is a dirge that has weighed heavy on the souls of people of color and families for centuries without an unified solution on how to prevent this armed militia called “The Police”, from breaking Civil Rights laws and treating citizens of color unjustly. There is current evidence that the United States of America has broken the law of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and have implemented some of the same discriminating acts that sparked the need for the Civil Rights Act movement.


Law enforcement as we have known this institution as an, “Protect & Serve entity must be re-evaluated and dismantled. 

How much do insurance companies pay out yearly per state municipalities due to police misconduct cases? What are the cities lawsuit cost reports per municipality per state?  How is police misconduct affecting the rebuilding or communities and businesses? Questions we should all be asking?


The police are not only leaving bloodshed, murder and lost, but law enforcement agencies across this nation are draining America’s communities and businesses revenue.  The Oath is not enough it has been broken and not upheld by many law enforcement representatives for centuries. 

Officers of integrity who honor, respect, uphold and enforce the law will be examples of willing individuals with sincere camaraderie and solidarity to protect and service the community with no resistance to dismantle the current system and implement a system that protects and serves by licensing and revoking dishonorable officers who do not meet the license guidelines. 

Citizens will no longer be killed and pay the ones to protect us to murder.


Monica “Journey” Idom




re: divorce






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